These principles can also be Whatsapp Mobile Number List divided into the four phases of the customer journey. The number of conversions, the conversion rate, leads, downloads and the increase in brand preference show the connection between Whatsapp Mobile Number List brand and target group. Determine which phase of the customer journey is central to your campaign and which KPIs are closely related to it. Determining touchpoints When the goal of the campaign is Whatsapp Mobile Number List clear and on which KPIs you want to steer during the specified period, you can determine which touchpoints (channels) you will use for this.
It is recommended to select Whatsapp Mobile Number List a mix of touchpoints, instead of focusing on one channel. Multichannel targeting increases the reach of the campaign and the chance of conversions. When determining touchpoints, a link can also be made with the different phases of the customer journey. It is recommended to make the communication and call-to-action Whatsapp Mobile Number List appropriate for each phase. Awareness phase In the awareness phase of the customer journey, the focus is mainly on generating a large reach. One of the most well-known tools used in this phase is display bannering. But social media campaigns via Facebook and Instagram can also be used with the aim of generating reach.The power of performance marketing lies in Whatsapp Mobile Number List analyzing and optimizing distribution channels.
Specific UTM codes ensure Whatsapp Mobile Number List that the results per channel can be easily measured in Google Analytics. This data makes it possible to steer towards the highest achievable return. In addition, performance marketing can be used to determine which touchpoints perform best based on the set Whatsapp Mobile Number List KPIs. In summary The performance marketing strategy can be divided into four steps: Identification: in which phase of the customer journey are you? Approach: which KPIs are central Whatsapp Mobile Number List to this? Content display: through which touchpoints can I reach the profiles? Conversion: what is the end goal of the campaign and what are the results?